Bespoke editorial projects, all-inclusive
La Martinelli sviluppa progetti editoriali su commissione, a partire dalla loro ideazione, fino ad occuparsi della loro preparazione per la stampa tipografica.
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A many years experience
Mery Martinelli, che ha dato vita al marchio La Martinelli, lavora da anni per alcune delle più note case editrici europee, con le quali ha pubblicato soprattutto manuali e corsi multimediali per l’apprendimento delle lingue straniere, così come dizionari bilingui.
The excellent technical knowledge and the regular refresher training, as well as compliance with a code of ethics that includes an article on protection of information about customers and ongoing projects, make La Martinelli brand synonymous with competence and seriousness.
The brand La Martinelli distinguishes language services executed with the typical care of someone who aspires to perfection and performs its work with passion.
Quality guarantee
Those who consult La Martinelli are sure to get what they want: personalized and impeccable services with an excellent price/quality ratio.
Speedy services
The high professional skills that reflect the brand’s La Martinelli are also a guarantee of punctuality and swiftness, with results that equal or exceed customer expectations.
Guaranteed delivery times
Relying on La Martinelli also means avoiding unpleasant surprises, as failure to deliver within the estimated dates and all that follows.